Sunday, June 20, 2010

Google TV Finds its First Champion

What Im reading:

Analysis: Logitech's Google TV box named; expect it to control your life this fall. Google - Logitech - Searching - Television - GoogleTv
And this:
You probably remember Google's Super Bowl commercial . It was the company's first TV ad, and it kicked off a broader campaign called Search Stories . In fact, over 150,000 people have created their own search stories, and there is even one for Toy Story 3. In honor of Father's Day, Google has put together a special Father/Daughter search story. Robert Wong, Creative Director of Search Stories ...
As well as:
Faster, more secure, more stable, says company Google has started using its next generation plug-in API to embed support for Adobe Acrobat PDFs more deeply into the Chrome browser. The company believes this will benefit security, performance and reliability. original. Site of ergai1izhill

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